Monday, September 30, 2013

3D Fundamentals Overview

30th September 2013; 3D Fundamentals Overview

Today was the day, where all our four projects are being reviewed! It was like our judgment day, knowing how strict out teacher in charge was. This 10 weeks journey was tough and mind cracking. Due to the new things that we have come across and encountered along the way, but we definitely have learnt a lot too!

From creating something from just feelings (Project 1), creating volume from simple planes (Project 2), creating from tearing down parts and reassembling parts making something entirely different (Project 3) and finally, joining two things of different qualities while making it look natural together (Project 4). We’ve come a long way, opening our minds to way and methods to help us in problem solving, which would definitely prove to be useful.

Earned this today
: 3D Fundamentals Complete! It’s over, finally! Now to focus on the other modules~

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