Monday, September 30, 2013


30th September 2013; Confidence...

Where does ones confidence come from? From their good looks, their ability to do something really good or the courage to just stand out from the rest? I have been in search for this answer for a while now. But it seems, the answer is still far from grasp. Still unable to understand where confidence can be found.

Take example for today’s movie presentation for “Introduction to Visual Arts”. I was supposed to start out and talk about the introduction part of the movie analysis. From start to finish, although I managed to project my voice out in a way that everyone could hear. My problem was, I doubt anyone in the audience could understand what I was trying to say. Because, even me myself, wasn’t too sure what I was trying to say. I was way too nervous and my mind went blank.

Earned this today
: Disappointed in myself once again, I continue on my quest to find confidence…

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