My 21st Birthday 2012... |
4th September 2013; My Dearest Family!
This photo was taken during my 21st birthday, 15th September 2012. It was just last year. I remembered that it was just months after my ORD. (Operationally Ready Date)
Being 21 years old. Was the start of adulthood? Where we become “old” enough to handle responsibility. I received a golden key necklace as a symbolization of freedom. Where that key could bring me to new experiences and new heights. Being 21 sure feels good. But still, being 21. But as of today, I am still pursuing my Diploma in Nayang Academy of Fine Arts. To think of it, I have a lot of catching up to do. At my age, most of my friends from back in the secondary school days, have already got their diploma and moved on to further studies. Me? Having just “graduated” from National Service, about to embark on my quest to attain a diploma. Which I gladly can say I’m well on my way.
Back on September, I was still clueless about where I would end up. My ORD date was at May 2012, a month after polytechnics have just started their curriculum. So I wasn’t able to join at that point. So I made it a goal for myself, to apply, and get into poly by 2013. Since I had close to a year for that, I started applying for jobs, to try to fill in the time that I had on my hands. After a few tryouts, I managed to get a decent one. (One that I liked, and pays rather well) It was none other than Art Friend, as a sales assistant.
Very quickly months passed. It was time to apply for spot at the polytechnics. But truth be told, I didn’t had exactly good ‘O’ levels results, and so, was quickly turned down by many of the lecturers. Some even encouraged me to not apply, as the chances were close to none with my results. I was very much disheartened. But I did not give up just then. I looked past it, and tried to look for other means that I could be trying. That is when I stumbled upon NAFA. Its open house was just a few days later.
Got to the open house, toured the campus. Got to see the classrooms. Even got to talk to the Head of Department. Got myself registered and was slated to come for an entrance exam! I had a chance, and this time, I will give it my all, definitely. I’ve lived my life in regret for what I’ve done in the past, not anymore. Because I have a dream, and I will work hard to earn it!
Enough talk about me! After all, this posts was supposed to be about my family. On the left most, would be my dad. He usually isn’t the all smiles kind of person, throughout the year. For him to be smiling so widely was definitely a sight. He is usually stern and strict with my younger sister and me! To his left, would be my ever so lovely mum. She was the opposite of my dad. She would be smiling all of the time. She is always cheerful and helps encourage me all of the time. Looking back at how mischievous a kid I was, I couldn’t understand, how my mother could have endured through my nonsense. But at least, now she doesn’t have to worry about me, because I’m all grown up and regret my actions of the past. To her left, would be my chubby younger sister, Relyene. Our age gap is around 11 years, which also means, we quarrel all the time. But having said that, I would always be the one to let her have her way at the end of the day. Well, troubles of being a brother. Hiding behind everyone, the very tall guy at the back with the super white rows of teeth would be me! The two poodles that my mum and younger sister are carrying would be Zember and Juppy respectively. They are an actual couple. I miss the both of them dearly, as of May 2013, they were given away to another household because we couldn’t afford to keep them any longer. We kept their daughter, Avy with us. Splitting the family up was really cruel. But it is definitely better then having them starved. It wasn’t a easy decision for the whole of my family.
Earned this today: All in all, this, is my family, it will always be. I hope we all stay bonded as a family. (Remember about me stating I was really tall? I was actually tiptoeing. So yea!)
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