Sunday, September 8, 2013


8th September 2013; Flower?!

Today, my sister came back from home and showed me something that, she had bought from Daiso. (The Japanese store that sells everything for $2) At first sight, I couldn’t tell, what was it. It is made of really thin paper, the ones that are used for calligraphy. The paper was folded and twist tied right in the middle. Seeing the fold, I guessed that it was a fan. Never would I have thought it was a flower, until my sister showed me the ‘trick’.

This was how she did it. Firstly, she opened up the folded ends. Following that, she started pulling up the sheets on alternative sides. And ‘Viola’ the flower, just pops right out. Finishing up, she crumpled the pieces here and there to make it feel more natural. Amazing isn’t it? To think that a few pieces of paper can be joined up to make something so pretty and in such a short span of time.

This are just one of the many things you can actually find at Daiso. There are tons and tons of quirky goods at Daiso. Some examples would be, a fold-able cup and a banana portable carrier. With all these interesting inventions, I wonder what it would be like in Japan? Would there be more of these kinds of things there? Given the chance, I would really like to find out some time!

Earned this today
: There’s still lots to see and experience in this world. Work hard now, so that you can travel and see the world someday.

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