Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Society

18th September 2013; Our Society

Came across this little comic strip on the Internet today. It speaks a lot for itself. The fact that everyone likes to ‘follow’ trends and how they would like things to have things that everyone else has.

In the above example, we have someone that looks normal, but the people around him no matter where he goes, they are all bruised up and injured. He stopped to ponder. He then decides to be like everyone else. So he voluntarily punched himself in the face so that he wouldn’t be different.

I feel like that is the case with the society that we are living in now. People find it weird to stand out, and be different. I occasionally succumb to being this way too. But I try not to, as much as possible.

A said example would be the recent craze of the sale for the limited edition hello kitties at McDonalds.  Where people started queuing days before the sale has even started. When questioned, some of the people queuing said, they’re just queuing because they feel that they need to have it, because it “THE” trend to have one.

Earned this today: We should be doing things that we want to be doing and not being afraid to stand out and be different. After all, success comes to those that innovate and experiment with new things without the fear of failing and more importantly not giving up when you don’t succeed.

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